Resolve at first contact with RAG
Fetch and verify information from multiple sources to generate context and provide complete, contextualized answers with retrieval augmented generation.
24x7 omnichannel availability
Address inbound inquiries in real-time across digital channels for better customer satisfaction.
Automate support ticket resolution with customizable workflows
Go beyond priority and skill levels. Assign specific sensitive tickets to your agents while automatically resolving and tracking other support tickets with Odin.
Deploy in minutes with a no-code chatbot builder
Build and deploy your own intent-aware support agent with zero coding. Customize your chatbot to fit your brand identity and pick from multiple LLMs.
Enterprise level security and regulation compliance
Odin is GDPR and CCPA compliant, and SOC2 Type2 and ISO27001 certified. Odin’s industry leading practices (like encryption and access controls) ensure complete privacy and data security for clients and employees against vulnerabilities.
Look up workplace policies
Odin answers the most common HR questions quickly and easily, 24/7.
Seamless onboarding for new hires
Automate onboarding tasks with user manuals and step-by-step walkthroughs at your fingertips.
Stay up to date on every project
Stay informed about product and project statuses in real time without leaving your everyday communication platform.
Support tickets are now addressed by Odin AI
Increase in emails support productivity
per month
Support tickets resolved from 15+ locations across continents
Read our case study
Our automation team started using Odin this year and are wowed by it! We see Odin’s capabilities as a powerful & central enabler of our AI strategy.
Kapil Vyaas
VP, IT & Information Security