

into Actionable Insights



into Actionable Insights



into Actionable Insights



into Actionable Insights

Focus on the conversation while Odin captures, summarizes, and shares meeting details for you

Focus on the conversation while Odin captures, summarizes, and shares meeting details for you

Unlimited transcriptions

Works with your favorite platforms

Works with your favorite platforms

Works with your favorite platforms

AI Assisted meeting audio, screen and video recording

Trusted by world’s largest enterprises

Trusted by world’s largest enterprises

Why Choose Odin AI?

Why Choose Odin AI?


AI-Powered Transcriptions

Get speaker-tagged transcriptions of your meetings with 96% accuracy. Chat with your meeting transcriptions to retrieve specific information.


Intelligent Summaries

Receive concise summaries and action items right after your meetings, and share them instantly with your teammates


Endless customization

Set up customized meeting messages, Notetaker name, vocabulary, and more! Control which meetings you want Odin to join, who you want to share meeting summaries with, and even the language model you want to use


Unlimited Transcriptions

Enjoy unlimited transcriptions and recordings with Odin Pro. Store all your meeting transcriptions and recordings in one place with the Odin Dashboard.

Seamless Integration

Odin AI Notetaker not only works with all major conferencing apps without plugins or extensions, you can also share your meeting data with other platforms with the Odin Automator

Ready to supercharge your meetings?

How does Odin work?

How does Odin work?

Before the Meetings

Pre-meeting reminders

Customized assistant

During the Meet

Real-time transcription

Live summaries

After the Meetings

Email follow-ups

Action items & highlights

Meeting-based automation triggers

Switch to the smarter way to meet

Sign up

Sign up

Transform The Way You

Interact With Data

Transform The Way You

Interact With Data

Work with AI that consistently delivers results relevant to your business while saving you hours every day.

Transform The Way You

Interact With Data

Work with AI that consistently delivers results relevant to your business while saving you hours every day.